Thinking Hands or Thinking Manual

Thinking Hands or Thinking Manual

Thinking Hands or Thinking Manual is the result of an invitation from the “Dialogues… Science, Tradition & Culture” project to Terceira Pessoa and Pé de Pano Projetos Culturais, to develop a stage performance starting from the universe of craftsmen and artisans that live and work in the Beira Baixa region.


Heavy hand, divine hand, silky hands, fairy hands, butter hands, dead hand, golden hands, warm hands cold heart, iron fists, cheap hand, hand on the chest, hands in the air, blessed hands, good hands, miraculous hands, large hands, hands clean, hands full, rough hands, empty-handed, hand searching in their owns heart, the heart in their hands, hands on his hips, out of hand, “manu militaris”, raise your hand, crooked hand, hands stitching lives, objects, utensils, brands, useful and useless things, the hands that wrote this text, thinking hands OR thinking manual.

The pleasure of thinking the work of a craftsman and an artisan, still resides in a past year, where, by closing the eyes, we can hear the sound of mechanical work tools mixed with the breath of those marking their intensity.

There is no creation where I don’t try to make myself.


Conceived and Devised by_ Ana Gil, Maria Belo Costa, Nuno Leão

Photography and Stage Video_ Tiago Moura

Lightning Design_ Pedro Fonseca

Dressmaker_ Paula Gregório

Sound and Video Operator_ Raquel Fradique

Communication Design_ Cátia Santos

Co-Produced by_ Pé de Pano Projectos Culturais , Terceira Pessoa – Associação

Financial Support_ Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian / Projeto “Diálogos…Ciência, Tradição & Cultura”

Partners_ Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco / Escola Superior de Educação




October 17, 2014

Castelo Branco / Cine-Teatro Avenida

May 19 to 23, 2015

Castelo Branco / Cine-Teatro Avenida